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Our Services

Sewer Structure Rehabilitation

Talk to us about your leak sealing, manhole rehabilitation, or I/I elimination needs. Our capabilities include application of microsillica mortar, calcium aluminate mortar, pure fused mortar, and geopolymer; along with various other coating products. We’re also able to utilize grouting technology to seal leaks from the source. Please let us take a look at the structure before replacement; rehabilitation is far more cost efficient!

Industrial/Protective Coatings

Above ground setup, trenchless repair, and long-lasting rehabilitation options for various substrates. We’re determined to help reduce your corrosion and chemical degradation without costing the utility their yearly budget. Protective coatings give concrete and steel structures resistance to chemical attacks commonly found in harsh environments.

Structure/Tank Inspection

Our technicians are P/L/MACP certified to perform various inspections on the collection systems and industrial tanks. Often times utility owners need assistance in inspecting and providing engineering reports on the condition of their existing system. Other credentials include: CCI Level II & AMPP CCAS, as well as General Contactor License in the Southern United States. Please reach out to us for a sample report if you’re interested!

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